Banalinga, Narmada River, Sacred Stone, Omkareshwar, Shiv Shakti, Haridar, Ardha kumbha mela 2016
Saturday, 11 June 2016
Purusha Suktam - in sanskrit with meaning in English - from Rig Veda 10.9
Purusha Suktam - in sanskrit with meaning - from Rig Veda 10.9
पुरुष सुक्तम्
सहस्रशीर्षा पुरुषः सहस्राक्षः सहस्रपात् ।
स भूमिं विश्वतो वृत्वात्यतिष्ठद्दशाङुलम् ॥१॥Sahasra-Shiirssaa Purussah Sahasra-Akssah Sahasra-Paat |
Sa Bhuumim Vishvato Vrtva-Atya[i]-Tisstthad-Dasha-Angulam ||1||
The Purusha (The Universal Being) has Thousand Heads, Thousand Eyes and Thousand Feet (Thousand signifies innumerable which points to the omnipresence of the Universal Being),
He envelops the World from all sides (i.e. He pervades each part of the Creation), and extends beyond in the TenDirections ( represented by Ten Fingers ).
पुरुष एवेदं सर्वं यद्भूतं यच्च भव्यम् ।
उतामृतत्वस्येशानो यदन्नेनातिरोहति ॥२॥Purussa Evedam Sarvam Yad-Bhuutam Yacca Bhavyam |
Uta-Amrtatvasye shaano Yad-Annena-Ati-Rohati ||2||
The Purusha is indeed All this (Creation) in essence; That which existed in the Past, and that which will exist in theFuture,
Everything (i.e the whole Creation) is woven by the Immortal essence of the Great Lord (Purusha); by becoming Foodof which (i.e. by getting consumed in Whose Immortal essence through surrender) one transcends the gross world (and becomes Immortal).
एतावानस्य महिमातो ज्यायाँश्च पूरुषः ।
पादोऽस्य विश्वा भूतानि त्रिपादस्यामृतं दिवि ॥३॥Etaavaanasya Mahima-Ato Jyaayaash-Ca Puurussah |
Paado-Asya Vishvaa Bhuutaani Tri-Paad-Asya-Amrtam Divi ||3||
The Purusha is Greater than all the Greatness (which can be expressed by words),
His One Foot has become all these (visible) Worlds, and His Three Feet rests in the Immortal World of theTranscendence.
त्रिपादूर्ध्व उदैत्पूरुषः पादोऽस्येहाभवत्पुनः ।
ततो विष्वङ् व्यक्रामत्साशनानशने अभि ॥४॥Tri-Paad-Uurdhva Udait-Puurussah Paado-Asye ha-Abhavat-Punah |
Tato Vissvang Vya kraamat-Saashana-Anashane Abhi ||4||
The Three Feet of the Purusha is raised high Above (in Transcendental Realm), and His One Foot becomes the Creationagain and again.
There, in the Creation, He pervades all the Living ( who eats ) and the Non-Living ( who does not eat ) beings.
तस्माद्विराळजायत विराजो अधि पूरुषः ।
स जातो अत्यरिच्यत पश्चाद्भूमिमथो पुरः ॥५॥Tasmaad-Viraadda-Jaayata Viraajo Adhi Puurussah |
Sa Jaato Atya ricyata Pashcaad-Bhuumim-Atho Purah ||5||
From Him (i.e. the Purusha) was born the Virat; (the Virat came into being) from the presence of the Shining Purusha(Who remained as the background or substratum of Virat);
He (i.e. the Virat) created the Earth, by manifesting Her from His own being as substratum.
यत्पुरुषेण हविषा देवा यज्ञमतन्वत ।
वसन्तो अस्यासीदाज्यं ग्रीष्म इध्मः शरद्धविः ॥६॥Yat-Purussenna Havissaa Devaa Yajnyam-Atanvata |
Vasanto Asya-Asiida-Ajyam Griissma Idhmah Sharad- Havih ||6||
With the Purusha as the (Sacrificial) Fire, the Deva (the Shining One, referring to Virat) continued the Yagya (Sacrifice of creation),
Spring was (created as) the clarified Butter (of that Yagya), Summer was (created as) the Fuel (of that Yagya), andAutumn was (created as) the Havis (Sacrificial offering of that Yagya).
तं यज्ञं बर्हिषि प्रौक्षन्पुरुषं जातमग्रतः ।
तेन देवा अयजन्त साध्या ऋषयश्च ये ॥७॥Tam Yajnyam Barhissi Pra-Ukssan-Purussam Jaatam-Agratah |
Tena Devaa Ayajanta Saadhyaa Rssayash-Ca Ye ||7||
The First Divine Men were created as the Holy Water sprinkled with the Kusa Grass in that Yagya (Sacrifice of Creation).
The First Divine Men were the Sadhya Devas and the Rishis, Who were created by Him, the Deva (the Shining One, referring to Virat), Who performed the Yagya. (These Rishis were not human but divine Rishis like Saptarshis created directly by Virat).
तस्माद्यज्ञात्सर्वहुतः सम्भृतं पृषदाज्यम् ।
पशून्ताँश्चक्रे वायव्यानारण्यान् ग्राम्याश्च ये ॥८॥Tasmaad-Yajnyaat-Sarvahutah Sambhrtam Prssadaajyam |
Pashuun-Taashcakre Vaayavyaan-Aarannyaan Graamyaash-Ca Ye ||8||
From the Complete Offering of His (i.e. Virat's) Yagya (Sacrifice of Creation) was obtained Ghee mixed with coagulated Milk, ...
... which (i.e. the Ghee and Milk) are (the created) Animals, both of Air (Birds) and of Forests (Wild Animals) and Villages (Domestic Animals).
तस्माद्यज्ञात्सर्वहुत ऋचः सामानि जज्ञिरे ।
छन्दांसि जज्ञिरे तस्माद्यजुस्तस्मादजायत ॥९॥Tasmaad-Yajnyaat-Sarvahuta Rcah Saamaani Jajnyire |
Chandaamsi Jajnyire Tasmaad-Yajus-Tasmaad-Ajaayata ||9||
From the Complete Offering of His (i.e. Virat's) Yagya (Sacrifice of Creation) was born the Rig Veda and Sama Veda,
The Chandas (Vedic Meters) were born from Him, and the Yajur Veda was born from Him.
तस्मादश्वा अजायन्त ये के चोभयादतः ।
गावोः ह जज्ञिरे तस्मात् तस्माज्जाता अजावयः ॥१०॥Tasmaad-Ashvaa Ajaayanta Ye Ke Co bhayaadatah |
Gaavoh Ha Jajnyire Tasmaat Tasmaaj-Jaataa Ajaa-Vayah ||10||
From Him (i.e. Virat) was born the Horses, and all those animals who has teeth in both jaws,
From Him (i.e. Virat) was born the Cows, and from Him was born all types of Goats.
यत्पुरुषं व्यदधुः कतिधा व्यकल्पयन् ।
मुखं किमस्य कौ बाहू का ऊरू पादा उच्येते ॥११॥Yat-Purussam Vya dadhuh Katidhaa Vya kalpayan |
Mukham Kimasya Kau Baahuu Kaa Uuruu Paadaa Ucyete ||11||
What did the Purusha (i.e. Virat) hold within Him? How many parts were assigned in His Huge Form?
What was His Mouth? What was His Arms? What was His Thighs? And what was His Feet?
ब्राह्मणोऽस्य मुखमासीद् बाहू राजन्यः कृतः ।
ऊरू तदस्य यद्वैश्यः पद्भ्यां शूद्रो अजायत ॥१२॥Braahmanno-Asya Mukham-Aasiid Baahuu Raajanyah Krtah |
Uuruu Tad-Asya Yad-Vaishyah Padbhyaam Shuudro Ajaayata ||12||
The Brahmanas were His Mouth, the Kshatriyas became His Arms,
The Vaishyas were His Thighs, and from His pair of Feet were born the Shudras.
चन्द्रमा मनसो जातश्चक्षोः सूर्यो अजायत ।
मुखादिन्द्रश्चाग्निश्च प्राणाद्वायुरजायत ॥१३॥Candramaa Manaso Jaatash-Cakssoh Suuryo Ajaayata |
Mukhaad-Indrash-Ca-Agnish-Ca Praannaad-Vaayur-Ajaayata ||13||
The Moon was born from His Mind and the Sun was born from His Eyes,
Indra and Agni (Fire) were born from His Mouth, and Vayu (Wind) was born from His Breath.
नाभ्या आसीदन्तरिक्षं शीर्ष्णो द्यौः समवर्तत ।
पद्भ्यां भूमिर्दिशः श्रोत्रात्तथा लोकाँ अकल्पयन् ॥१४॥Naabhyaa Aasiid-Antarikssam Shiirssnno Dyauh Samavartata |
Padbhyaam Bhuumir-Dishah Shrotraat-Tathaa Lokaa Akalpayan ||14||
His Navel became the Antariksha (the intermediate Space between Heaven and Earth), His Head sustained theHeaven,
From His Feet the Earth (was sustained), and from His Ears the Directions (were sustained); in this manner all theWorlds were regulated by Him.
सप्तास्यासन् परिधयस्त्रिः सप्त समिधः कृताः ।
देवा यद्यज्ञं तन्वाना अबध्नन्पुरुषं पशुम् ॥१५॥Saptaasya asan Paridhayas-Trih Sapta Samidhah Krtaah |
Devaa Yadyajnyam Tanvaanaa Abadhnan-Purussam Pashum ||15||
By making Seven Enclosures with Three times Seven sacrificial Firewood (symbolically representing various koshas etc),
the Deva (the Shining One referring to Virat) in that Yagya (Sacrifice of Creation), bound the infinite expanse of the Purusha as (apparently) finite living beings (Pashu).
यज्ञेन यज्ञमयजन्त देवास्तानि धर्माणि प्रथमान्यासन् ।
ते ह नाकं महिमानः सचन्त यत्र पूर्वे साध्याः सन्ति देवाः ॥१६॥Yajnyena Yajnyam-Ayajanta Devaas-Taani Dharmaanni Prathamaanya asan |
Te Ha Naakam Mahimaanah Sa-Canta Yatra Puurve Saadhyaah Santi Devaah ||16||
The Devas performed the external Yagya by meditating on the real Yagya (i.e. contemplating on the Purusha Who is Shining behind everything); And thus they first obtained the Dharma (based on the Oneness of the Purusha),
By Meditating on the Greatness of the Chidakasha (Blissful Spiritual Sky behind everyone, which is the essence of the Purusha), during those earlier times, the Spiritual Aspirants became the Shining One themselves.
Saturday, 20 February 2016
Haridwar Ardha Kumbh Mela (2016), A Trip to Haridwar
Haridwar Ardha Kumbh Mela (2016)
on the auspicious event of Ardha Kumbh Mela (01.01.2016 – 30.04.2016).
According to Hindu mythology, 'Ardh Kumbh Mela' takes place when the planet
Jupiter enters Aquarius and the Sun enters Aries. Kumbha (meaning pot) Mela
(meaning fair) is considered a very sacred Hindu pilgrimage. It takes place at
the following four sacred places across India:
• Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh)
Haridwar (Uttarakhand)
• Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh)
• Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh)
• Nasik (Maharashtra)
• Har Ki Pauri
• Asthi Pravath Ghat
• Subhash Ghat
• Gau Ghat
• Sapth Sarover Kshetra Ghat
• Sarvanand Ghat
• Pantdweep Ghat
• Kangra Ghat
• Roode Bale Wala Ghat
• Ganesh Ghat
• Varagi Camp Ghat
• Sati Ghat
• Daksheshwar Ghat
• Singh Dwar Ghat
• Sita Ghat
• Vishnu Ghat
• Asthi Pravath Ghat
• Subhash Ghat
• Gau Ghat
• Sapth Sarover Kshetra Ghat
• Sarvanand Ghat
• Pantdweep Ghat
• Kangra Ghat
• Roode Bale Wala Ghat
• Ganesh Ghat
• Varagi Camp Ghat
• Sati Ghat
• Daksheshwar Ghat
• Singh Dwar Ghat
• Sita Ghat
• Vishnu Ghat
My Journey at Haridwar (During Kumbha Mela: 2016):
Brief About
Kumbha Mela
Rivers are considered to be the carriers of
life and fertility. One of the festivals which are worth mentioning in this
context is Kumbh Mela. This fair is perhaps the largest religious gathering in
any religion around the world. The name Kumbh Mela consists of two words, the
literal meaning of the name of the festival is, "Kumbh" which means
a pot, the word Kumbh also signifies a
Hindu sun sign, Aquarius. The word Mela means a fair or a gathering.
This is a fair which is conducted at four different places of India on the banks of pious rivers. The places where the Mela is conducted are Haridwar, on the banks of river Ganges; Ujjain by the river Shipra; Nasik by the river Godawari and at Allahabad by the confluence of the rivers Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati. During the festival the banks of these rivers become a large bathing ground for the rich, the poor, the sadhus and the women alike. For each place the Kumbh Mela repeats every 12 years, but in actuality there are four different Kumbh Melas which take place at different sites. For e.g. if the Kumbh Mela is taking place in Prayag in the year 2011 then the next Kumbh Mela will take place at Ujjain.
This is a fair which is conducted at four different places of India on the banks of pious rivers. The places where the Mela is conducted are Haridwar, on the banks of river Ganges; Ujjain by the river Shipra; Nasik by the river Godawari and at Allahabad by the confluence of the rivers Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati. During the festival the banks of these rivers become a large bathing ground for the rich, the poor, the sadhus and the women alike. For each place the Kumbh Mela repeats every 12 years, but in actuality there are four different Kumbh Melas which take place at different sites. For e.g. if the Kumbh Mela is taking place in Prayag in the year 2011 then the next Kumbh Mela will take place at Ujjain.
It is held every three years in each of the
four different locations - Allahabad, Haridwar, Nasik and Ujjain, returning to
each of the four places after a gap of every twelve years. Besides the regular
Kumbh Mela, an Ardha (half) Kumbh Mela takes place six years after the Maha
Kumbh in each of the location. And how it lands up in each location varies
according to what position the Sun, Moon, and Jupiter hold in that period in
different zodiac signs.
It comes to Haridwar when Jupiter is in Aquarius and Sun is in Aries during the Hindu month of Chaitra i.e. in the month of March-April. In Allahabad it is celebrated in the month of January-February when Jupiter is in Aries or Taurus and Sun and Moon are in Capricorn during the Hindu month of Magha. In the Hindu month of Bhadraprada (August-September), when Sun and Jupiter are in Leo, Kumbh Mela comes to Nasik. And Ujjain gets to organize it when Jupiter is in Leo and Sun is in Aries, or when all three are in Libra during the Hindu month of Vaisakha i.e. April-May.
It comes to Haridwar when Jupiter is in Aquarius and Sun is in Aries during the Hindu month of Chaitra i.e. in the month of March-April. In Allahabad it is celebrated in the month of January-February when Jupiter is in Aries or Taurus and Sun and Moon are in Capricorn during the Hindu month of Magha. In the Hindu month of Bhadraprada (August-September), when Sun and Jupiter are in Leo, Kumbh Mela comes to Nasik. And Ujjain gets to organize it when Jupiter is in Leo and Sun is in Aries, or when all three are in Libra during the Hindu month of Vaisakha i.e. April-May.
Dairy of My
Travel Time: 32h
72 Halts
Distance: 1510
Avg Speed: 46 km/hr
This is a bad decision taking this Train for going to Haridwar. There are no of reasons for this:
1. There is no Pantry Car in this train.
2. 72 halts (It feels irritating)
3. Avg Speed 46 km/Hr
It’s better to choose Upasana Express (12327) or Kumbha Express (PT) (12369) for
going to Haridwar from Howrah.
10.02.2016: On
the train; No
option of Pantry or E-Catering.
Reached Haridwar 5m early & have hard
that it departed 22m late from Haridwar. We are staying near Vishnu Ghat. When
arrived at Haridwar at 04:50 hrs some Taxi/Auto drivers reached us for taking
us to the Hotel. So I asked them to take me to my Hotel and ask them for price.
They are saying 200 INR, but that is too much and they said that no it will
take time to go at my Hotel which is far from Railway Station. Because I am
accompanied with my old Father and Mother so I have to take one and bargain
with him for 150 INR. It takes just 3 min drive to reach my hotel. Then I asked
him why you tell me a lie that my hotel is very far from Station. Suddenly that
persons behavior changed and he argues with cynical statements that “It’s early
in the morning, where you find one”, “The contract was made and you have to
pay” etc.
The point is place like Haridwar is not free
from Goons. This place is a holy place but the Peoples are not Holy.
to get rid of It : On the next day I made an experiment again I
go to the station on 04:15 hrs and on that day train comes about 25m early
nearly about 04:30 hrs; and I have a travel bag with me. After the rush of
passengers exist nearly after 10-12 min I with my travel bag slowly exists from
station and that time no one is come nearby be and the drivers are loading
their vehicles, who have not got any passengers. I make my path to one of that
driver and asked directly how much he will take me to my hotel (Same Hotel),
and he says 150 INR and then I said him I will pay at max 30 INR and he refuses
to go. So I passed by him and suddenly another driver came up and ask the same
question; and this person have hard what I have offered to that driver so he
reduces his price to 75 INR. That’s helps to build my confidence that I am on
the right path. Again I offered the same amount to him and that time he agreed
to that money. I by passed that person by loitering here and there.
So, the hands on rule is Go after rush is over always bargain 1/10th of
what that person offered and raised upto max 10-20 INR of 1/10th. But keep
patience and do not hurry may be refused by many people but if you want to save
money wait for some time, and you will succeed.
Because we reached at Hardwar early in the morning, so 4 hrs rest made
us energized, thank full to the climate also, very pleasant weather. Because of
Kumbha places are free from dart and Swachh Bharat Abhiyan also going into full
Fast: At around 8:30 hrs we went to Har ki Pauri for breakfast; again the
attack started but here is one similarity they all are asking for same rate for
Puri & Sabji (40 INR for 1 plate
consist 4 puris / 10 INR for 1 piece).
This time I did not hurried, for finding some
places I just gone to the right side of Har ki Pauri or towards Vishnu Ghat
from Har ki Pauri; and my mission was a grand success there I find Puri & Sabji (20 INR for 1 plate
consist 5 puris/5 INR for 1 piece).


Ki Pauri (Arati): After taking the lunch we came back to the
Hotel and at evening around 05:00 hrs we went to Har ki Pauri ghat for seeing
the arti; and it was Marvelous experience the Ghat is decorated beautifully and
Arti ceremony was started at 06:00 hrs. I have taken some pictures, have a look
Pictures of Har ki Pauri Arati at Haridwar Ardha Kumbh Mela (2016)
![]() |
Arti at Kumbha Mela 2016 (Haridwar) |
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Arti at Kumbha Mela 2016 (Haridwar) at Night |
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Arti at Kumbha Mela 2016 (Haridwar)from other side |
We returned to the Hotel at about 09:00 hrs
after taking diner and sleep.
The next day was Vasant Panchami, one of the Main
Bathing (Snan), so we went at the Har ki Pauri Ghat and took the bath. The
water was so cold that when first I was entered in the water, the lower portion
of my body was just numb and I cannot even feel that it even exists. But with
immense courage I took 12 dips in the holy water and all my body has been
frozen and even rubbing my hands does not feel the body. Experience in bath inb
such cold water is very good and charming.
Then we take a trip to Mansa Mandir and
Chandi Mandir. It cost 234 per person (70 for Mansa Mandir Ropeway + 144 for
Chandi Mandir Ropeway + 20 from Mansa Mandir to Chandi Mandir Auto
Rickshaw). Its matter of 2-3 hrs
journey, and if you climb by foot then it will take more time depending upon
your speed.
Now after the visit to Mandir we came back to
Post office block and from there we went for the Haridwar site seeing.
Kankhal Side
Haridwar Side
1. Ardh. Nariswar Mandir
2. Manav Kalyan Ashram
3. Jagadguru Asram
4. Geeta Mandir
5. Harihar mandir
6. Daksha Prajapati Mandir
7. Maa Anandamayi Asram
1. Pawan Dham
2. Acharyabela
3. Shri Ram Mandir
4. Chitrakoot Ashram
5. Mata VishnaDevi Mandir
6. Bharat Mata Mandir
7. Bhimgoda Mandir
If you go by conducted tour it will cost
nearly about 700-800 INR for all and around 5-6 hrs time will be taken. But I
suggest take a Rickshaw and bargain with him and it will cost 300 INR max for
this for 1 rickshaw and do not think that you are suppressing one’s need, no
it’s not the sites are so near if you reach at one place at any of the side the
rest is 5-10 min walking distance. So if you wish to take journey by foot the
total journey can be reduced to 40-50 INR (Only UP and Down).
I have taken some Pictures, and share it with
I took this rickshaw at 150 INR for both side
site visits, and His name is Ram Manohar.
Rudraksha: In
Haridwar you will find at least 7 Rudraksha trees, at following locations :
Mahamritnjaya Mandir, Anandamayee Maa Mandir, Gayetri Bhavan, Saptarshi Ashram
etc. If you want to buy I will suggest go for Mahamritunjaya Mandir and collect
3 Mukhi Rudraksha at Rs.10 only. You will find only 3 mukhi Rudraksha in
In the Saptarshi Ashram you will find 1 Mukhi
Rudraksha tree but they will not show you the tree and I am committed not to
reveal the location.
I will reveal the story behind this; when I
am at Saptarshi Ashram I was telling about Bramhans and Saptarshi Rishis heard
that one of Sanyasi asked me one question and answered that question and he
never hard that answer and is so amazed to here that and on reward I am permitted
to see it with a oath not to reveal the location.
The question is: “Tum Kab Se Bramhan Ho”
(From when you are Bramhin)
Answer: The typical answer was when my “Janeu
Sanskar” (upnayan-sanskar) took place. But my answer was
Meru Sth’ita Deva| Yavat Ganga Mahi Tale| Chandra Ku Gagane Yavat| Tabo Bipra
Kule Bayam”
“Means From when Sumeru and Kumeru belongs,
from when Ganga is flowing, from when Chandra (Moon) belongs in the sky, from
that time I am Bramhan.”
He never heard this shloka before, so his utter
happiness took me to that tree also I have got one 1 Mukhi Rudrakha from him.
After asking I will also share the picture of Rudrakha with you.
On the next day we went to Rishikesh to see
Ram Jhula & Laksman Jhula that was ok type experience it take 1500 INR for
a 14 seat car and after that we came
back to home and usually went to Har ki Pauri ghat for seeing the arti.
On the
next day we went to Delhi for returning to Kolkata.
all readers for now, but one thing I must share, while return from Rishikesh my
brother feel severe pain in his stomach, so we went to Hardwar Hospital near
post office chowk. They are really humble people. They treated my brother promptly
with utmost care all the Doctors and support staffs are so co-operative. This
is one of my best experience in the Hardwar and the treatment and the medicines
are given absolutely free of cost.
you for reading, please comment, and
share it with others
Hari Om Tatsat
Tanmoy Banerjee
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